So today I further realized how amazing our director is. She was continually giving me notes throughout rehearsal on how to subtly change the way some of my lines are delivered - a lot of it having to do with the fact that mikes are not going to do all of the work in projecting my lines on the Alliance stage. Turns out the acoustics in there are not the best for that sort of thing, so we have to really play the stage acting card and throw our lines out and up so to speak. Another part of the nuances she was giving me had to do with the status of my character as both a hero and a young person. She reminded me that younger people are usually less judgmental, so I have to be careful not to deliver some of my lines that way. Think more wonder and amazement than anything else. Brilliant!
Then the last chunk of our day was spent on choreography for me and Mushu - the dragon character. All I can say is those swing dancing days and Tae Bo videos in college paid off!
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