Tuesday, January 26, 2010

And so it begins!

Today was the first Mulan rehearsal. I may have peed myself a couple of times from the sheer joy and excitement of what today entailed.

I started my day with a costume fitting. It was quite fun standing in the fitting room with 4 or 5 super experienced and professional ladies milling about me - dressing, adjusting, marking, pulling, pinning me. Hearing them say terms like "faked" or "butted" - words that one might only hear in a professional costume shop - was a cool experience. Also, the word "Chinesey" was thrown around a couple of times too. :0) Some of my outfits weren't there today - because they're arriving FROM CHINA. How cool is that? Only with a place like the Alliance can you expect to wear authentic garments. Oh, and I got to try on my war helmet. They have a lady whose job it is to build hats. What?!?

After the fitting I went upstairs to the rehearsal hall for the meet & greet, etc. We all sat around some tables and did introductions. Some people I already knew, but then I met a slew of peeps all affiliated with the show somehow - other cast mates, the choreographer, the guy who does lights, the interns, the house manager, and about 17 other people whose names and titles I do not recall (though I tried really hard to remember them!). This really served to bring it home that I am doing a professional show. Oh - and I have my own mug with my name on it. It was sitting on the table with all the fruit and trail mix and coffee. So I guess I don't have to pack snacks anymore!

Next were the design presentations, where we get to see and hear about the aesthetics of the production. The costume designer went first, but I'd pretty much seen all of the mock-ups (is that what they're called?) of my costumes. I got to see everyone else's though. Very cool.

Then the equity actors had to do their deputy elections, so the rest of us went out into the hall and cracked jokes about equity (although deep down we probably all wish we belonged). Apparently they choose someone among them to represent them and contact the union if anything bothersome occurs.

Soon after we got back to business and the scenic designer (did I get that right?) did her presentation. All I can really say is OMG. She showed us her blueprints of the set, which included architectural drawings of different backdrops, things that get tracked in (they mechanically slide onto stage - cool!), and the surprise element that I am not going to reveal. You will just have to wait and see. ;0) The feel is classic Chinese opera. At one point, I just started grinning and giggling over how spectacular it's going to look and the fact that I'm even involved in something like this.

Then we started in on the script/score read-through. We just basically sat and read our lines and listened to the songs. This part is fun because you start to get a feel for some of the actors' characters and the skeleton of the show slowly starts to emerge. And you're finally starting on the show! The music is going to be beautiful.

The last thing was singing through my song 'Reflection' with the MD (sorry, that's musical director for those who don't know ;0) ). We had done the song already last summer for a promotional event, but this time we have to tweak things a little to better fit the show and to also spice it up a bit!

And that was it. I can't wait for tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Fuzzy!!
    Sooooooooooooooooooo exciting!!
    Can't wait to see it!!
    Loooooooooooooove youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!
